Tuesday, May 22, 2007
My Blogging Experience

Saturday, May 19, 2007
Shopping for a GPS...

Thursday, May 17, 2007
Identity Theft - Be Cautious!

Our most unique feature in life is our personal identity. Wikipedia defines personal identity as "an individual's comprehension of him or herself as a discrete, separate entity". Many things we loose in life can be easily replaced, but how does one repair the loss of their own personal identity?
Advances in technology affect different product, services and industries in different ways. The information highway has revolutionized the financial services industry. Unfortunately, with unlimited options for exchanging information electronically, criminal minds have tapped into this, resulting in a huge increase in identity theft.
In Canada in 2006, 7778 cases of identity theft were reported to the RCMP totalling losses of $16,283,776.91. The RCMP define identity theft as - "involves stealing, misrepresenting or hijacking the identity of another person or business and provides an effective means to commit other crimes". Most often these crimes are typically for financial gain. The RCMP are attempting to educate the public with an informative video. The Federal Government of Canada also provides numerous resources for consumers on identity theft.
Phonebusters, the Canadian Anit-Fraud Call Centre gives us the following advice on identity theft; recognize it, report it and stop it. If something seems to good to be true, it probably is! Be wary of scams and if in doubt, report your doubts to phonebusters!
Another safeguard for piece of mind is the fact that identity theft insurance can be added to your home insurance by most major insurance companies for a small fee.
The most important advice all parties seem to agree on is to take time and educate yourself via the available resources so you are able to recognize, report, and stop identity theft!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Lassie Come Home!

Saturday, May 12, 2007
Drive Safely With Your Cell Phone

Transport Canada's "Road Safety Vision 2010" is targeting a decrease of 30% in the average annual number of road users killed or seriously injured during the 2008–2010 period compared with 1996–2001. Research for this vision studied Rural Canada Cell Phone Use by Province or Territory as well as rural seatbelt use.
Reed Berry "The Traffic Guy" sums up driver responsibility and gives us cell phone safety tips to drive by. Take a moment, read his tips, and practise cell phone safety!
Friday, May 11, 2007
Bright Idea...Go Green!

Our advances in technology have definitely increased our energy consumption. Computer technology and communication devices use a tremendous amount of electricity... to operate, as well as constant recharging of everything from cell phones, laptops to MP3 players
Canadians currently produce 700 megatonnes of greenhouse gases per year. The biggest contributors to greenhouse gases are coal for electricity and oil for transportation and heating fuel.
The main causes behind climate change are greenhouse gases, deforestation, farming, tar sands, electricity production and heating. FLICK OFF is a movement to fight climate change by getting people to use less energy. Flick Off want us to think about our lifestyles, our habits and save our planet by making changes in our everday habits to fight global warming.
Turn off those old lightbulbs! Go green with energy efficient compact fluorescent light bulbs. Depending on the size of lightbulb you can save from $35 to $45 per year per bulb. Energy efficient lighting uses 50 - 80% less energy than incadenscents. Replacing a single incandescent bulb with a CFL will keep a half-ton of CO2 out of the atmosphere over the life of the bulb.
Treasure our natural resources!
Save our environment take the pledge!
Join the Flick Off Movement!
Hi-Tech Seniors...dedicated to Mum & Dad

Many studies show that one of the fastest growing groups of internet users are seniors.
The top Internet activities among seniors who go online: 93% of wired seniors have used email; 58% have gotten hobby information online; 55% have read the news online; 53% have searched for health and medical information online; 53% have browsed the Web "just for fun"; and 53% have checked weather updates, according to Whotspot WiFi Solutions, an American Wi-Fi service provider.
Our Federal Government Public Health Agency of Canada provides seniors with Fact Sheets on Technology with information on such topics as; telecommunications, banking, computing, health care and technology safety. These resources provide a wealth of information to educate seniors with questions on technology.
Now if there was only a technological means for my mother to email me one of her home made donuts to have with my coffee as I work on my computer!
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Ride With Your PC!
Intel has recently showcased a motorcycle where your transportation and work can become one. Imagine driving your bike to work ...detaching a portion of your dash because it is your own personal computer and continuing your days work.
Intel recently went over the top to commemorate 30 years of introducing new technology. Intel unveiled the Quad-Core Intel® Xeon® processor 5300 series at a recent trade show. To showcase this product Intel joined forces with Orange County Chopper and produced a custom built motorcycle. Doug Davis, vice president and general manager of Intel's Embedded and Communications Group described the motorcycle as "
Intel has also created a virtual version of their showcase motorcycle which resides in the virtual world of Second Life, which is an online digital world.
Technology has definitely hit the motorcycle industry with many late model bikes having computerized dashboards, ignitions, GPS systems as well as hi-tech audio and communication systems...but really, isn't true relaxation jumping on that bike, turning off that GPS, throwing away that cell phone and getting lost on those country roads for the day!
Privacy...we are all exposed now!

I'll have to admit, when creating my blog, privacy concerns were playing on my mind. Who was going to read my blog? How much information was I willing to share? What could become of this information? My 25 years of working in the financial sector where privacy issues, fraud and identity theft are of increasing concerns, was making me feel a bit paranoid of what and what not to share.
Technology and the ease of sharing information has made "privacy" legislation an important compliance issue for any organization.
The Federal Government of Canada has a Privacy Commissioner to oversee privacy concerns. The mandate of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) is responsible for overseeing compliance with both the Privacy Act, which covers the personal information-handling practices of federal government departments and agencies, and the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), Canada’s private sector privacy law.
As individuals, our utmost concern for personal privacy used to be mainly in the areas of personal finances and personal medical information. Now, information system technology used by major retailers is raising concerns about privacy and security. Walmart has mandated the use of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) Technology by their business partners causing enough concern to be addressed by the Privacy Commissioner. RFID Technology consists of small tags, a reader and supporting hardware and software. Embedding these "tags" in consumer goods enables the retailer to track the product through the various information systems within the organization and finally at the TPS (transaction processing system) where purchaser identity/information could be obtained. The concerns expressed by the privacy commission are "notably the small size of the tags and the ability to uniquely identify an object - pose potential threats to individual privacy". Therefore specific CSA standards are being applied by the commission with respect to RFID use. This legislation will definitely have impact on implementation and use of RFID use.
The American public was asked "Is Walmart spying on you? after reports by the Associated Press confirmed that Walmart is recruiting former military and government intelligence officers to join a branch of its global security office. Public questions were raised as to why a retailer would need individuals with such in depth investigative knowledge. Walmart argues that by tracking individuals or organizations buying suspect goods or bulk purchases will protect the retailer from suspect individuals and groups.
So, who is following us around in that next pair of slippers from the retailers shelf?