Our advances in technology have definitely increased our energy consumption. Computer technology and communication devices use a tremendous amount of electricity... to operate, as well as constant recharging of everything from cell phones, laptops to MP3 players
Canadians currently produce 700 megatonnes of greenhouse gases per year. The biggest contributors to greenhouse gases are coal for electricity and oil for transportation and heating fuel.
The main causes behind climate change are greenhouse gases, deforestation, farming, tar sands, electricity production and heating. FLICK OFF is a movement to fight climate change by getting people to use less energy. Flick Off want us to think about our lifestyles, our habits and save our planet by making changes in our everday habits to fight global warming.
Turn off those old lightbulbs! Go green with energy efficient compact fluorescent light bulbs. Depending on the size of lightbulb you can save from $35 to $45 per year per bulb. Energy efficient lighting uses 50 - 80% less energy than incadenscents. Replacing a single incandescent bulb with a CFL will keep a half-ton of CO2 out of the atmosphere over the life of the bulb.
Rethink your transportation methods and make "green" choices where you can.
Treasure our natural resources!
Save our environment take the pledge!
Join the Flick Off Movement!